Tag «trump»

The Most Important News Story of 2022 Is…

The year 2022 was filled with major events, any one of which would mark it as significant. The Russian invasion of Ukraine. The death of Queen Elizabeth II. The Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. The expected Republican tsunami that ended up more or less a draw. Former president Donald Trump’s ongoing legal troubles (including …

Trump Impeached. Again.

The House has voted to impeach Trump. Again. There was a lot of talk by Republicans about the unprecedented and precipitous way in which the House pursued this second impeachment. However, I would point out that the circumstances were unprecedented. Never before in our history has a sitting president sicced an armed mob on Congress …

Better to Deal with Insurrectionists Sooner Rather than Later

In the aftermath of the Civil War only one person (the commandant of the infamous Andersonville prison camp) was ever held directly accountable for war crimes. Robert E. Lee lost his swank plantation at Arlington and the right to vote. Jefferson Davis was imprisoned by the Army under harsh conditions for two years before being …

“Everybody Knows” Trump is a feminist???

Trump has this peculiar habit of declaring “nobody knew” about things that everyone manifestly knew, or “everybody knows” about things for which there is considerable controversy, confusion, or skepticism. An example of the former is Trump’s exasperation that “nobody knew” solving healthcare was complicated. An example of the latter is his recent deadpan that “everybody …

Stop Whining about the Electoral College

Please, can we stop whining about the Electoral College? Aside from the fact that it’s not going away… had the popular vote gone for Trump and the Electoral College for Clinton, 99% of Democrats would be crowing about the wisdom of the Founders in saving us from the Marmalade Charlatan. Time to stop whining and …