Category «RELIGION»

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is now a Christian?

Many readers will know that the late, great public intellectual Christopher Hitchens was celebrated as one of the Four Horsemen, a quartet of brilliant atheist writers, debaters, and orators that included Hitchens, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Daniel Dennett. When Hitchens died in 2011, many wondered who might step in to continue the fight against …

GOP Continues to Literally Demonize the Opposition

Remember when presidential candidate John McCain was confronted at a townhall by a half-addled little old lady who (mistakenly) lamented that McCain’s opponent, Barack Obama, was “a Muslim”? He immediately, firmly, but kindly, corrected her, emphasizing that Obama was a good man with whom he simply disagreed. Weeks later, McCain was visibly shaken by the …

Book Review: Confessions of a French Atheist

Ecclesiastes tells us that “there is nothing new under the sun,” and this certainly holds true when it comes to Christian apologetics. Apparently, it is also true that nothing is lost in translation if the apologetics originates from outside the Anglosphere. Case in point: Guillaume Bignon’s memoir Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My …

National Day of Prayer Is a Bad Idea

Today is the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. Let us pray that American Christians come to realize that: * The NDP is a propaganda and publicity stunt organized by politicians and activists to manipulate the faithful into equating (conservative)(Protestant)(Christian) religion with patriotism, and to send a signal that non-religious Americans are second-class citizens. It is, to …

Ben Carson Is Wrong on Islam

Ben Carson recently blathered on about how he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”  It’s true that while the Constitution prohibits religious tests for office, it certainly doesn’t prohibit voters from using best-judgment in selecting whom to vote for. Nonetheless, the …