Category «COMIC BOOKS»

Interview: Todd Dezago (Writer, Tellos)

Laurel and Hardy. George and Gracie. Astaire and Rogers. Dezago and Weiringo.  Who? Okay, maybe we got a little carried away. But in the world of comic books today no two names are more associated with teamwork, high quality, and swashbuckling adventure than Todd Dezago and Mike Weiringo. They first teamed up on Marvel’s Sensational Spider-man series, …

Interview: Peter Bagge

Peter Bagge (pronounced “Bag”) is one of the most successful writer/artists in “alternative comics” (which usually means NOT superhero-oriented and NOT Marvel/DC). He’s been published (and self-published) in a variety of titles for twenty years. His artwork is wildly exuberant; his writing laugh-out-loud hilarious. Bagge has had a string of stunningly prescient successes. Studs Kirby …