Atlanta Skeptics LIVE Podcast Event

Here’s a cool panel discussion I did with fellow Atlantans Derek Colanduno (Skepticality) and Black Smith (Monster Talk). Includes video! Who knew Atlanta was such a hot bed of skepticism? (Sorry, this won’t embed, so I’m just providing the link.)

Camel Fishing in Idaho

Did you know that it’s illegal in Idaho to fish while riding on the back of a camel? This bit of “intelligence” came to me by way of my wife’s secretary. Apparently, a local radio station did one of those occasional segments about “crazy laws.”  My wife passed the info along, not so much because …

The Joe Nickell Files: Inquest on the Mind of a Skeptic

What could be more fascinating than UFOs, psychics and spontaneous human combustion? The people who investigate such things! Okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but there’s no denying that skeptical investigator Joe Nickell is an interesting person. Our first conversation with Joe is designed to get inside his head and find out what makes him tick. …