Monthly archives: October, 2007

Documentary Review: For the Bible Tells Me So

[Originally posted on October 26, 2007 at] The Bible is pretty straightforward in its message when it comes to homosexuality: it’s a sin, and those who insist on practicing it are going to Hell. It’s simple. Or is it? The growing movement to reconcile gay rights with Christianity is the subject of a fascinating …

Movie Review: An Inconvenient Truth

[Originally posted in July 2006 at; re-posted on October 16, 2007 at This documentary subsequently won an Academy Award; Al Gore won a Nobel Prize for his work in raising awareness about global warming. I should also point out that when I wrote this review, my views were much more Libertarian and my …

Sam Harris vs the “Atheist” Movement?

One of the highlights of last weekend’s “Crystal Clear Atheism” conference was a presentation by Sam Harris entitled “The Problem with Atheism” (reprinted here at the Washington Post). Here is, I think, the crux of his argument: Another problem is that in accepting a label, particularly the label of “atheist,” it seems to me that we are …