Author archives

Stop Whining about the Electoral College

Please, can we stop whining about the Electoral College? Aside from the fact that it’s not going away… had the popular vote gone for Trump and the Electoral College for Clinton, 99% of Democrats would be crowing about the wisdom of the Founders in saving us from the Marmalade Charlatan. Time to stop whining and …

Ben Carson Is Wrong on Islam

Ben Carson recently blathered on about how he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”  It’s true that while the Constitution prohibits religious tests for office, it certainly doesn’t prohibit voters from using best-judgment in selecting whom to vote for. Nonetheless, the …

Atlanta Skeptics LIVE Podcast Event

Here’s a cool panel discussion I did with fellow Atlantans Derek Colanduno (Skepticality) and Black Smith (Monster Talk). Includes video! Who knew Atlanta was such a hot bed of skepticism? (Sorry, this won’t embed, so I’m just providing the link.)

Enough Already with the Political Prayer

In case you hadn’t heard, the Louisiana senate unanimously declared Sunday, June 20th, a “Statewide Day of Prayer” for those affected by the massive oil spill. Really, you have to read full text of Senate Resolution No. 145 to get the full flavor of foolishness. Did you know that “in times of great distress and need, we, the people …