Tag «oil»

Enough Already with the Political Prayer

In case you hadn’t heard, the Louisiana senate unanimously declared Sunday, June 20th, a “Statewide Day of Prayer” for those affected by the massive oil spill. Really, you have to read full text of Senate Resolution No. 145 to get the full flavor of foolishness. Did you know that “in times of great distress and need, we, the people …

Movie Review: There Will Be Blood

[Originally posted on January 14, 2008 at AmericanFreethought.com.] One of the most talked-about movies of 2007 is writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood. Anderson has a reputation as a bold filmmaker unafraid to tackle strange and disturbing subjects: Boogie Nights, with its 70s porno backdrop; Magnolia, a mesmerizing three-hour-long epic in which half a dozen ill-fated characters …